Locked Up Final Draft
Juno Practise Task
You are editing your own footage, how did the filming go?
I think our filming went well as we used the time wisely by using one and a half lessons to complete the Juno task to the best of our ability. Some issues did occur during filming though as it was difficult to get the angle right and know which way to face. As you can see in the video I'm going in the wrong direction to the original Juno video. Although I think the timing of the runners was successful and also when we panned up towards the telephone wires.
Was your storyboard accurate?
My storyboard was accurate as we wrote about the positioning of the shots which were the same as the original Juno video. We also wrote about the timings which helped us know how long to video each scene for. Our drawings of each scene were also recognisable so we knew exactly what to do for each scene.
What were your strengths and weaknesses in the group?
The strengths within the group were being able to label how long each scene was meant to be recorded for and we gave ourselves a few seconds extra for each scene for any editing needed. We also had weaknesses within the group as some of the scene weren't recorded in the right direction and the camera wasn't also very still.
Did you get all the footage you wanted?
We filmed enough scenes with plenty of time within each scene to get enough footage for our task. We also knew which scene we wanted to stop filming at and made sure we did each scene that worked towards that end point.
What technical skills - camera and premiere - did you learn?
I learnt that during filming you can track left to right or right to left. I also learnt about certain shots such as long shot, mid shot and close up. Tilt up and down was also an obvious skill. All these skills were used to complete our Juno task.
How does it compare to the original?
Our Juno video didn't go as well as we wanted it to as we needed to do a lot of editing by slowing our clips down to make it in time to the original video and some of the angles and direction of our scenes weren't to their full potential as they didn't match the Juno video.
What went well - What I learnt - What I will take with me to the next production
I think the communication between the group went well as we planned and organised what we needed to do and all agreed on the same things such as who was Juno. Choosing me to be Juno was a good choice as I had the same dark hair to match the original Juno video and we used the right clothing to make us look the same. I also learnt what to do better next time which was to check the timings of when we come into the scene and when to finish the scene etc.
Mise En Scene

This is a French term meaning of what is put into a scene or frame. It is also visual information in front of the camera to help people learn what the film is including.
5 Elements of Mise En Scene
- Setting and Props
- Costume, Hair and Make Up
- Facial Expressions and Body Language
- Lighting and Colour
- Positioning of Characters/Objects within the frame.
High Key Lighting- Often seen in romantic comedies and musicals. It avoids all dark areas in the frame to present an even lighting pattern. Everything looks bright with little to no shadow at all. High-key lighting has little dramatic effect itself.
Low Key Lighting- Often seen in horror movies and thrillers, the pattern has both bright and dark areas in the frame. the use of low key lighting makes a horror scarier as you cannot visualize everything that's about to happen. it also creates a strong contrast to unnerve the audience.
Costume- The obvious purpose of costuming is to dress an actor according to his/her character. Lawyers wear suits, nurses wear scrubs and a policeman would wear their police's uniform. Costume is also used to create the theme of the film.
Film Language- Opening Scene of The Vow
Describe In detail
S etting
T heme
I cons
N arrative
C haracters
T extual analysis
Setting- This is set in the car of two people. They stop at a stop sign by deserted garages in the middle of winter, in the snow. The snow is used as the reason why the truck didn't break in time and crash into the red car. It is also set at night so the couple have more privacy with less people around. The car is in a building sight which may explain why there was a truck and why the truck driver wouldn't have expected a car to be there, especially at night.
Theme- The car is still running when they stop. making an engine noise in the background, which conveys it isn't a typical romantic moment. But the snow surrounding them makes it more romantical. The sound of the truck starts to get much louder than the sound of the car engine and then ruins the moment as they crash.
Icons- The snow, car, truck and seatbelt. As you learn throughout the film, the girl wouldn't have been thrown out the car if she didn't take her seatbelt off during her romantic moment.
Narrative- This film is based on a women, Paige (Rachel McAdams) who loses the memory of her husband, Leo (Channing Tatum) after she and her husband are in a traumatic car crash. Paige is first in a coma and wakes up to be told she has severe memory loss and throughout the film Leo works to win her heart back. Paige wakes up believing that she is still inlove with her first love Jeremy although she has a husband who she doesn't know exists. After she has recovered from her trauma she makes a brave decision to go and live with Leo although to her, he is a complete stranger. Leo then fights a lot of battles to try and win her back.
• Leo
• Paige
• Jeremy
• Rita Thornton (Mother of Paige)
• Bill Thorton (Father of Paige)
Narratives for 'The Prestige'
Enigma Code
- Who is the person narrating?
- What is the magic trick?
- What is the purpose of the little girl watching?
- When is the film set?
- What is the purpose of the budgie?
- The budgie in the cage
- Magic wand
- The stage
- Tank of Water
- Low lighting
- Man picks budgie out the cage- what's he going to do?
- Curtain raises above the magician
- Two men have a bust up
- Man walks into electric field
- Man gets stuck in water tank- will he escape?
In this image we are in the school grounds outside hopkins. We have used this corner as it shows that I was caught at a dead end as I couldn't get through the doors. You can tell by our body language we are at battle as the gun is pointing towards me and I'm surrendering with my hands up. Although the lighting could have been dimmer to make it look like more of an action as you'd expect high key lighting to be in a more happier film. The picture has been taken at an angle to show the height differences and present it as more of an action where people are constantly moving where as if it was upright it would look less upbeat. The helmet also presents that the girl had previously been trying to escape on a motorbike. The use of Ben's army hat shows a serious act was taken place as they needed the most professional people to track down this person.
The setting of this image was outdoors on the school field on a summers day. The fact that it is sunny creates a brighter, happier image to show it to be more like a family photo. The theme of this image was family and to show this we had the dad carrying the daughter reaching for the bear that had got stuck in the tree. Although you can see what they are doing, the angle of the picture could have been directed at their faces to show the expression of the daughters face as she reaches for the bear and the dad directing the daughter. Icons in this image included the bear, this bear shows that it is a young girl that lost her bear in the tree.
Semiotics of 'if i stay'

Semiotics- The study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.
Connotations- An idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
There are four boxes in this poster that represent the face of the girl in the film 'if i stay'. The rest of the boxes show different scenes throughout the film that give us a clue as to what it is about. The title of the film itself isn't included in the boxes but is in fact underneath with other information.
The use of the four boxes to show the girls face show that in one of the boxes the colouring is more bold than the other three boxes which are more faded. This may be because of the story of the girl being in a life or death situation so the faded boxes suggest her when she was losing her life and the bold box tells us that she was fighting for her life. The faded boxes take over the bold box which shows how serious her battle was. The stories told in each of the other boxes show love between the young boy and girl and also the parents of the girl as each couple hold each other. But then a juxtaposition is shown when an ambulance is in one of the images showing us that something terrible had happened.
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